
Starter code for the Duke project

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User Guide

This is a brief introduction on how to use “Toki Toki Task Bot”.

What is Duke?

Duke is a task bot built to keep track of all your task and schedules. Users can add and delete their tasks and Duke will keep track of all your task for you.

Who is Yuri?

Image of Yuki

Yuri is personality built on top of Duke, the original bot. Yuri aims to ensure that you as a user understand her pain of keeping track of all your task. Even though she is supposed to track the task for you, she will not hesitate to express her displeasure at your laziness and irresponsibility in handling your own to do list.

Installing the Doki Doki Task Bot

Navigate to github Releases and download the latest release. Place the jar file into a new folder. Opening the Jar file will show a welcome text from YURI.

Image of startup


Create your own tasks

1. Create todo tasks
2. Create event tasks
3. Create deadline tasks #### Organising your task
1. Listing
2. Mark your tasks as done
3. Find tasks
4. Delete tasks

List your own tasks

Ask Yuri to display the task that you have to do

Check your statistics

Yuri will also keep track of things that you did within the day and week.

1. Check the tasks done today/this week
2. Check number of types done
3. Check the task that expired

Tsundere Personality

Yuri will “hate” your laziness but still feel compelled to serve you as your personal secretary.


Basic commands that Yuri will respond to.

Creating your own tasks

TODO - Creates an todo task

Adds a TODO Tasks into your list

Example of usage:

Todo Read Book

Expected outcome:

sighssss...am I your slave again?

Event - Creates an event task

Creates a event and adds it into your list Yuri also requires the date of the event as denoted by /at

Example of usage:

event Anime Matsuri /at 12/01/2020

event Anime Matsuri /at 12/01/2020 1200

event Anime Matsuri /at 1200

Expected outcome:

sighsssss...am I your slave again?

Deadline - Creates an deadline

Creates a deadline and adds it into your list Yuri also requires the date of the event as denoted by /by

Example of usage:

event Homework /at 12/01/2020

event Homework /at 1200

event Homework /at 12/01/2020 1200

Expected outcome:

sighsssss...am I your slave again?

Organising your tasks

list - Shows your list bucket

Displays the list of task that you current have.

Example of usage:


Done - Marks task as done

Marks the task signified by ID as done

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Okay whatever.. so you have completed this item.. so what? Marking item 1 as done

Find - Searches for a task

Searches for tasks in your list

Example of usage:

find home

Expected outcome:

Found this task in total:

1. [T][✘] Homework

Found in total 1 tasks

Delete - Deletes your task

Totally remove all records of your tasks

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Erasing your tracks are you?

Checking your statistics

Stats - List out all the stats command

Shows the list of stats command you could use. Examples of commands are

  1. Expired - list all the expired tasks
  2. Week - List the tasks you have completed in the week

Example of usage:


Sample Screenshots of Yuri

Adding Tasks

Image of Add

Finding of Tasks

Image of find


Image of Stats