CS2103T: Lecture 2

Why is this a good commit message?- add runtest.bat- short and precise- tells what is added in committedBranching- Push branch  to fork- We can make pull request from the fork- Branching allow us to try new stuff without working on master- Developers can look at the branch after pulling and... [Read More]

CS2101: Tutorial 2 notes

What makes a good team by google1. Equal speaking2. Equal listening -> Psychological safetyCall the person name when speakingStop doing what they are speaking.Clarify with the person to show listening. (Repeat)- Nod- HandgesturesBuilding team - Clear goals- Defining work styleGreat team leaders- Do not command- Anytime leader- No title can still... [Read More]

CS2101: Teamwork communication scenarios

Team communication scenarios for discussion1.      Sit in 5 groups.2.      Each group discuss one of the following situations.3.      Be ready to share your thoughts with the class.Situation A:Mark and his two teammates are meeting to discuss their oral presentation project for the first time. The... [Read More]

CS2105: Lecture 2 - Application Layer

Previously on avatar....Packet switching: Store and forwardInformation is chopped into small pieces called a packet. Routers need to receive all the packet before being able to forward to the next routerInternet protocol stackAn abstraction and seperation of the different layers and function of internet protocolPrinciples of network applicationsCreating a network appWrite... [Read More]

CS2101: Oral presentation skills

YellowBody language- take a stand!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq6tS1vlaZ4Standing in ready positionKnees slightly forward, hand to gesture- Confident- secure-knowledgeableStanding with hands in the back- People will be wondering whats at the backStanding in weird position- Comes of as insecureStanding with hands in the front- Comes of as insecure as you are covering your lower... [Read More]

CS2103T: Git for Noobs (Like me)

Git Commandsgit config --global user.name "yourname"git config --global email "email"Identify yourselfGit initInitialised a git repository in our local folder. This is to make sure that when we push it to the remote git. Whatever is inside this folder is push into the remote repository. Vice versa for local pull.ls -a to... [Read More]

CS2101: Writing Audience-centric Email message

1)You attitude- Consideration and good attitude-Emphatise- This is will appeal in recieverbuild good view- Show consideration by using the word you for positive- Refrain from using "you" in negative2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4OmXaihEp07Cs of Communication:- A checklist1. ClearPeople must be able to understand easily2. ConciseAs short possible3. ConcreteUseful and right amount of detail. stay... [Read More]

CS2105: Lecture 1 - The awesome Introduction to computer networks

Internet in GeneralBillions of connected computing devices- Hosts/End Systemse.g servers, personal computer, laptops, smartphones- Running network appsWhy do we call these hosts? They are the hosts of  network application running. Why do we call them end systems?One of the primary objective is to enable the connectivity between any two hosts and to find... [Read More]

ST2334 - Chapter 1: Basic concept of statistic

Sample Space and Sample PointsSample SpaceThe set of all possible outcomes of a statistical experiment is call a sample sspace and it is repreented by the symol s.Observation: An recording of information Numerical or categoricale.g Weight (Numerical), gender (categorical)However, if we divide the weight into categories such that there are... [Read More]

ST2334 - Course details

Course details:Mid terms (30%) - Night timeFinals (70%) - 9amCourse contents:- Basic concepts of probability   - Sample space and events   - Permutation and combination   - Definition/conditional of probability   - Multiplicative rule   - total Porbability theorem   - Independent events- Basic conecept of random variablesAlgebric2DDensity functionMarginal and conditional probability distribution functionsIndependent random... [Read More]

JW1411: Flat earth Theory

Flat earth TheoryWhat if the earth is flat?If the earth is flat, then joshua would hate the world and he will leave it immediately.If the earth is flat, then the world will be fat and so will joshuaIf the earth is flat, then life does not exist and so Joshua... [Read More]

ES2660: Wildcard set J

#13 Fallacy in this commercial: Direct TVMy take:The video shows a commerical made by Direct TV with a man getting angryThe video shows how the sequence of events happen starting with a cable tv putting a man on hold and leading to the man getting into all sorts of trouble... [Read More]

GES1011 - Lecture 10: Demographic and cultural in Decolonization

Starting song: Purple rain - PrinceRecap- After the war- Decolonization (an ongoing process)- Borders of modern nation-states drawn by colonial powers- Region, Anglo-Dutch agreement 1824Our territories were given to us by the at that time, current imperial powers.- National borders are regulated- The end of freedom of movement across the... [Read More]

CS2100: Sequential logic - Circuit Construction

Synchronous Sequential CircuitsA circuit that respond to what is happening.Examples of circuits:- Vending machine- Traffic lightsKey Idea:- Same input may give different output- The internal memory elements may affect the resultMemory elements = internal state- Output is determined by input and outputState DiagramTo use an input/output to change state.Analyze a... [Read More]

GES1011: Lecture 9 - Economics in decolonisation

RecapThere were promises of local control but was compromised by declaration of emergency1955: Legislative assembly with a majority of elected members= With control over domestic matters= 1957: British cede internal security to kim yew hock's govEconomics in DecolonisationReading: NUS as a case study for singapore participation in the knowledge-economyPolitical Independence1960:... [Read More]

ES2660: Make your own wild card

A: The social cultural Significance of milk tea?1. Milk tea craze from taiwanA big part of our society2. Sugar level in milk tea- Debate over taking different sugar levels in milk tea- Taking 100 percent is- Did not finish because did not have enough things to talk aboutB: Sandals -... [Read More]

CS2100: Sequential Logic - Building Blocks

Sequential CircuitThe output depends on what happen before and its inputsie it has a memorySynchronous: Outputs change at specific timeAsynchronous: Output change at any timeBistable - 2 Stable statesMemory ElementsUsing a command, we can issue set, reset, no change and memorise.The memory element will not change the value until a... [Read More]

CS2040S: Kruskal Algorithm

UFDSA data set that supports find and union.Union:Replace the sets containing p and q with their unionFind:Check if p and q are same setsQuick FindUsing an integer array, assume that all object are integer label.Each object is a node.Label each obj with the component it belongs toTree is flat[Insert im... [Read More]