

  • Interface between the application layer and transport layer
  • OS controlled interface into which application process can both send and recieve messages


  • Host address and process identifier
  • Ip address + Port number

Socket is an endpoint for communication. A combination of host IP address and port number

Socket types


UDP sever: Connectionless (Iterative)


  • All wil go to the same port
  • ALl will go to the same queue

We can pqaralised

TCP server: Connection oriented (COncurrent)


  • Create a seperate child process
  • Child process may use same or new port
  • The port is that dedicated to that client
  • The next client will then go to the next child server
  • Given that each socket is identified by local ip and port and remote ip and port, no need for emphemeral port at server sides (Uniquely identifieable)
  • Can be iterative but now majority are concurrent

Socket Data structure



Creating a socket

  • sockDes = new Socket(pf, type, protocol)
    • pf : protocol family
    • type : SOCK_STREAM for TCP, SOCK_DGRAM for UDP, SOC_SEQPACKET for sctp, SOCK_RAW only for priviledge programs
    • Protocol : Is always 0 by default.. There was suppose to be more protocol but until it still the same


  • `bind(sockDes, localaddr, addrlen)
    • socket will have a wild card foreign destination
    • localaddr is pointer to a structure defined in socket.h which specifies the local socket address


UDP Server

  1. sockDes = new Socket(pf, type, protocol)
  2. bind(sockDes, localaddr, addrlen)
    • socket will have wild-card foreign destination; foreign addr is yet to be assigned
  3. rescfrom(sockDes, buffer, length,flags, fromaddr, addrlen)
    • OS will record the fromaddr and addlen based on datagram recievedf
  4. sendto(sockDes, message, length, flags, destaddr, addrlen)
  5. close(sockDes)

UDP Client

  1. sockDes = new socket(pf, type, protocol)
  2. sendto(sockDes, message, length, flag, destaddr, addrlen)
  3. recvfrom(sockDes, buffer, length, flags, fromaddr, addrlen)
  4. close(sockDes)

Bind is optional.. our client could take a random port address

TCP Server

  1. sockDes = new socket(pf, type, protocol)
  2. bind(sockDes, localaddr, addrlen)
    • socket will have wild-card foreign destination; foreign addr is yet to be assigned
  3. listen(sockDes, qlength)
  4. newSockDes = accept(sockDes, addr, addrlen)
    • new socket will have requesting client as dest and returns newSockDes to server, connection is establised to specific client
  5. read/write(newSockDes, buffer, length)
  6. close(sockDes); close(newSockDes)

TCP Client

  1. sockDes = new socket(pf, type, protocol)
  2. connect(sockDes, destaddr, addrlen)
  3. read/write(sockDes, buffer, length)
  4. close(sockDes)

Raw socket


See the slides for commands
