5 ways to listen better 1. Making meaning from sound - Pattern recognition - We hear our names - Distinguish noise from signal Discount the sounds that remain sames 2. Culture, language, values , beives are filters - Tell us what to listen to - listen to something that we are familiar to - Sound placees us in time, listening is the mainway to experience the flow of time - Invented ways of recording - The premium of carefully ilistening - The world is so noisy - Impatients - The art of conversation is replace by personal boradcasting - Headlines to payattention - Headlines catch our attention Listening
3. Conscious listening creates understnading
Exercises to improve; 1. Silence 3 mins of silence to reset the ears to recalibrate our ears 2. The mixer: Listen on how many channels of sounds we are listening Separate the types of sound 3. Savouring enjoying mundane sounds Even the small sounds, try to enjoy it even thou it seems like its nothing or useless. Pay attention to them 4. Listening position Move listening position to what is appropriate Play with different position e.g active, passive 5. Acronym Leaders teacher spouses parents friends RASA = Receive,Appreciate, Summaries , Ask
Every human being needs to listen consciously in order to live properly to be connected spiritually and to be connected. We need to teach listening to our schools as a skill. If we can teach, we can move our world where everyone is listening all the time.