Handling feedback

SBI method

- Situation
- Behavior
- Impact

The use of hedging, do not be too direct and becareful on how you give negative infomation

Effective feedback

- Focus on behavior and becareful on body language
- Use softeners ("i was thinking")
- Responding to feedback
   Do not take it personally
   - Thank
   - Clarify
   - Reflect
   - If there is nothing that can be done, dismiss it

We can clarify and ask for more feedback
We can post rhetorical questions

Q and A

Answering answers that we do not know how to answer 
We need to be aware of our team members part -> Demo Question
- Pass to someone else
- Anticipate the questions
- It is okay to admit that we cannot handle the questions

Common questions
- Clarification
- Assumption
- Viewpoints and persepective
- Software
- Idea Conception
- Competitiveness advantage

We we are presenting the OP2, cher will be asking that kind of questions

Handling effectively:
- Know our content
- Know team members content
- Know how others content fit into you

Phrasing the question
- tone
- Thank
- LListen before responding - Clarify if cannot
- Decipher the questioner's intention

Other helpful tips
- Eye contact
- Fidget
- use the slide as an form of evidence