#13 Fallacy in this commercial: Direct TV
My take:
The video shows a commerical made by Direct TV with a man getting angry
The video shows how the sequence of events happen starting with a cable tv putting a man on hold and leading to the man getting into all sorts of trouble because of the cable tv as the starting factor.
Some might ask like what is the fallacy
Firstly the commercial is trying to promote saying that they will provide a better service compared to other cable services.
But the commercial fail to understand that all the sequence of events may not happen to the average person and that most of the events that happen are something that do not happen all the time.

- Two fallacies
1. Slippery slope - assumes that first small events lead to a chain of disastrous events
- The man felt angry
- Play squash
- Injured
In actual life, this is not the case because cases is not happen
It is eggereation
2. Association is causation
- Because of the cable line you felt angry
- Other situation
- Family matters
This commercial makes use of the emotions to convince people to change to satellite

#11 Ad hominem attack - verbal abuse
My take:
The video shows an example of ad hominem attack by obama on his opponent.
The video shows like how when an interviewer was interviewing obama, asked his opinion about his political opponent's statement regarding nuclear weapons.
Instead of addressing the issue directly, obama went straight into saying how his political opponent is not an expert in nuclear weapons
This reminds us on how we are quick to commit these fallacies such as assume that something is not credible based on bare evidences such as physical appearance as well as credibility.

Short clip of an interviewer, a personal attack on obama
Ad hominum is an argumnetation technic
without having solid evidence
- Even thou its immoral, it is extremely effective
- Alot of politics have to do with social media,
- The use of emotion is very effective in converying message
- ANother example is the use of how they conduct their debates
- One example is the saturday night life, in us politics even hillary went up to spoof herself
That shows how big is is

#3 UOB Bank Ad "The book"
My take:

Building trust and relationship among bank customers and
Even thou this ad no mention of banks or anything, there was an active symbolism in the sense that the book store acts like the bank and the man is like the banks customers.
The book store receiveds a donation from the man which symbolises the man putting money into the bank. Even thou the book store owner realises the huge worth of the book, they decided to return it to the man showing how the UOB rather uphold values when it comes to handling money and to build trust among its customers.
In terms of how effective is this as a bank ad i feel like it is pretty effective as it is important for banks to uphold worth in terms of trust due to money being involved and this ads serves as a way to encourage that

- Campaign
- Make the abstract on consumer relationships
- the bank care for their customers
- The video shows that the father running the second hand bookstore but the man comes back collect another book, the father of the girl encourage the girl to return the book because she seems quite attached to the book
- She still return the book
- The man is concern for his customers also
- He is showing his genuine care for his customers
= He looks at his own personal value
- Should not take away the book from his own personal gain

#1 How do you know when a news is fake
My take:
Fake news have been one of the main problems in current society with fake news being the cause of many problems such as the start of riots as well as huge misunderstanding between different individuals or races. One such examples can be the recent HK riots where a man fell to his death from the building when the police was trying to push back the protestors. Although I am not too sure about the cause of his death there was fabrication of the stories where people were saying how the person was oushed down by the police or forcibly shot down when its cleaarly just fabrication
THis led to mutltides of riots

- Define : Fake news isnt something that is fake because is rejected by people
- When we take donald trump as example, he always dismisses news that challengers his believe as fake when it is proven to be true
- Often fake news appeal to the emotion and listen top emotional respose
- It have lots of logical fallacies
- Representation of strong biase
- Factual inaccurace
- Question the source
- Identify
- Cross check
- Double check

#12 Diabetes AI - US
My take:
Prevention over cure
The video shows an innovation of robotic AI that diagnoses the patients diabetes and be able to tell the user on what to do.
I feel in a sense that prevention is much better as compared to this as even thou this would help the patients who currently have diabetes, it is not solving the problem  of increase in people who get diabetes speciifically around the world.
In singapore, almost 1 in 3 singaporeans have diabetes and this is very serious considering the fact that alot of people would be affected by this disease and that the innovation of this kind of technology i feel is more towards after u get the disease rather than prevention.

Not good
- Make the test auto, step price tag
- Not every hospital can afford
- It has its own decision
- Medical officals will not know about whether they can trust the solutions of the AI
- There will be some rare case that AI have never seen before
It will be hard to