To get simpler expression for fewer logic gate.
-> Cheaper
Use theorems
Open ended requires skills
- Reduce number of literals
- Reduce number of terms
Sometimes these conflict, reducing one does not mean reduce the other
Focus on reduce literals by using the laws.
Easy to use
Limited to no more than 6 variables
But we need truth table:
Make it to a sum of products, find everything that includes the answer
1. For each 1 in kMap, draw the largest possible group in power of 2
Draw the prime implicants
2. Take all groups that cover unique 1
Take all Essential Prime implicant
3. For any remaining 1, not cover by groups
Choose the smallest collection of prime implicant for the rest that were not covered in 2
Reading it:
See the intersection
If everything is 1, it is just true
Group 1 : 0 literals
Group 2: 1 Literals
Size X : log(2) X literals
[Practice Here : 1.16]
A produce term that could be use to cover several minterms of the function
-> The 1 in the boxes
Prime Implicant:
Maximal Possible implicate for a group of minterms
Essential Prime Implicant:
Prime implicant that contains 1 or more unique minterm
Prime implicant that contains 1 or more unique minterm
Find the F prime
=> Flip all the 0 and 1 from the original k-map
We use this to get the demorgon rule
(Or just do kmap on the 0s for original k-map if we are good)
5 Variable k map
6 variable K map
Don't care condition
The output can be 1 or 0.
e.g ABCD represents a digit, counts whether there are even numbers of 1 in the binary representation
Use x to indicate a don't care condition.
These don't care condition can be use to simplify the expression easily.
Use sumD(10,11,12,13) to show the dont care.