
Graphs are a couple denoted by G={V,E} (a tuple of two sets)
where V is the set of vertices and E is set of Edges
Vertices is the nodes
Edges are the path connected the nodes

Simple graphs

=> A node cannot have edges pointing at itself 
=> only one edge per pair of nodes.

Connected Graphs

=> Every node is connected by a path

=> A complete graph
=> Fully connected
=> Every node is connected to every other node
=> Every node is only 1 hope from other node
=>Dia : 1
=> All pairs connected by edges

=> The maximum distance between two (different) nodes
=> Distance is the shortest path
Check for every two nodes, whats the shortest path of these two nodes
 Choose the longest (short path) out of all the pair of nodes

=> One central node
=> All edges connect to the center to the other nodes
=> Diameter is 2 always

=> Number of edges incident upon a node
=> Loops are counted twice

=> Diameter is n-1
=> max degree : 2

=> Diameter is n/2
=> Max Degree: 2

Representing a Graph

Adjacency List

For each node, there is a linked list that store what each node is connected to

Memory usage (Space):
array of size |v|, linked list of size |E|
Total O(V+E)
For a cycle: O(V)
For clique: O(v^2)

Adjacency Matrix

Just like a multiplication table, if it connects its denoted by a 1 and 0 if its not connected
A[v][w] = 1 means that (v,w) is an element of graph E

A^2 = length 2 path

To find out if c and d are 2 hop neighbours just take B=A^2
B[c,d] = 1 if it exist

if we want length 3 path just take A^3

Memory usage(Space):
array of size |v| x |V|
Total: O(V^2)
For a cycle: O(V^2)
For Clique: O(V^2)

But if a graph is dense (A lot of value) , use a adjacency matrix otherwise use an adjacency list


To check for connection, its easier to use Adjacency Matrix.
To check for friend Enumeration (List of friends/connection), its easier to use adjacency list


Adjacency Matrix:

- Fast query => are v and w neighbours?
- Slow query => find me any neighbour of v
- Slow query => list all neighbour

Adjacency List

- Fast Query=> Find me any neighbour
- Fast Query=> list all neighbour
- Slower Query => Are v and w neighbours (friends)?

Directed Graphs
When the edges have a certain direction
(v,w) means an edge pointing from v-> w
Order Matters

Degree of nodes:
In- Degree=> Incoming edges
Out-degree => Outgoing edges

We can represent Directed Graph using Adjacency list and matrix

Directed Adjacency List
Only store the outgoing edges in the list

Directed Adjacency Matrix
Only store if  A[v][w] = 1 iff v is connected to w for outgoing edges
where A[row][col]

Text Generation (Extra)
All nodes are Kgrams where kgrams is a contiguous sequence of k items
e.g syllables, letters ,words

Edges = one kgram follows another