What is Deep Mind
-> Company that focus on researching AI.

What does it do?
Purpose is to learn how to solve problems and advance scientific discovery

Deepmind been losing money... Talent = money

Why might it be worth US$400million to Google to buy it.

“Google acquired DeepMind in 2014, because they were excited about the potential for our technology,” the company says on its website. “As part of this acquisition, we agreed that DeepMind would continue to operate independently....” (Forbes)

-> Investment
-> Google views AI
-> Wanting to advance on technology
-> DeepMind as the top AI startup, extensive talent pool, high potential
But how is being good in games good? Pretty sure that google did not invest in  AI just to learn games
Google will also inherit DeepMind’s budget problems tho………….is it worth?
Theres a potential but look at the outcome now, why arent they pulling out of the company or do they still hold hopes for it to boom in terms of earnings?

Deepmind don’t have a business sense.
Broad promises, narrow implementation of their work

What is your evaluation of presentation of the AI work of Deep Mind in the video?
They are exaggerating in their passion for AI.
They are over exaggerating in their achievement  
the promise that they are making is huge but statistic show that they are loosing money. (Bloomberg has reported $572 milion losses, 
Deep mind has talent but they lack the business sense that would have helped google

Even if it is strong, how is it useful for letting the general ppl understand the importance of AI. I don’t find being good at games a use for society.

Useful Applications:
- Mobile tools that has positive impact on patients (Healthcare)
- VideoGames for game theory
- Ecological research - 

Google is trying to buy it to apply to a larger scale, 
  • Talks about medical application
  • Looks at the source on their website
  • Why not look at other evaluating websites?
Did not talk much

The video was made in another year
Referring to news source:
Talk about dota games, framework can beat top players
-> But how is that even helpful
Rework learning that tackle the responses by calculating the rework for everymove

Talk very fast, was abit nervous