OJ Simpson
Use to be very famous on basketball but he was trial for homicide. Found his ex wife death. But he have alot of supporters and he tried to run away. The reporters made it very dramatic by filming the entire chase. The trial was so emotional that people were booing the district attorney and making sexist remarks. Many people were supporting the guy even thou he is obviously a murderer. There were alot of racism against the black community because OJ simpson is black.

This is to show how like reporters could turn something rational to emotional

there are 5 ways they can string us along
- Reading headlines
Only the small snippets
- Bias news
On social media only show us on what we like

- Sloppy journalism
Never check the facts properly

- click bait

- Propaganda
Stories that is intentionally used to mislead due to a the hidden politcal agenda

UY Elections
Donald trump use the social media to spread false news like mexicans are rapist
A lot of people take what donald trump says at face value because he is the president
There are people who feel that someone in power felt that way ie false news, bad believes, therefore it is right
There are alot of click baits that promote drama and have headlines that are attractive to peak people interest to click on them.

People blindly follow donald trump because they felt that he represent the masses and their opinions.

Journalist obliged to report objectively to the best of their ability. When they publish article, they are able to influence the masses by sending their voices out. From the journalist pov, for the sake of their livelihood they have to write something that will grab the reader's attention thus there are stuck in a collendrum in such that it is hard to excuse themselves from this problem of choosing facts over their view points. Journalists will show slight biases towards the topic as there are many different point of views and its hard for journalists to catch every point. It will be better if the writers state their bias points at the beginning so that the readers will be aware of it in the first place.