Answer: 107.8 - We dont ask as much questions as an adult compared to as a kid. - The questions the child ask is not as precise compared to an adult which may spin more questions as a result.
What is considered a question - Rising Tone - The 5W and 1H "Can specifiy more rules" - Expectation of response -> the urge to response - Verbal question referring to non physical stuff
The definition matters Philosophy -> Simple questions that are very hard to answers
Discussion #2 - Induction by simple enumeration - Different hypotheses may be compatible with the same data
Confirmation bias, to confirm rather than to disconfirm We can't prove something but we can disprove the theory.
=Check the post on forums= - How do we distinguish science and pseudoscience - Be more critical in the ways we thing - Is confirmation useless then? Since we use contrapostiive