Priority Queue

Its automatically sorted and sorted based on the comparator provided. Technically, a heap is a priority queue..

Each patient is assigned a priority score and the doctors will look at the patients that needed help first.
What operations do we need to support?

insert(x) : inserts x
max() : returns element with the highest priority
extractMax() : returns and remove the highest priority element
size() : returns the size of the queue
buildHeap(A) : creates a priority queue from an array of patients  

Whats the worst case time complexity of insert followed by extractmax if we use a singly linked
 n+ n = 2n  = o(n)
->We have to scan through the to find the max (or next maximum) or insert have to maintain sorted order

What is the worst case time complexity of insert followed by extractMax if we use an array?
->Because the cher scammed us, we are using a heap
Both insert and extractMax uses logn because every time we added/take we need to check heap rule violation

Exploiting Structure

Maintaining order in a data structure is not free, We still have to pay for time/ memory

Unsorted Array:
Insert -> O(1)
Max - > O(n)
Search -> O(n)

Sorted Array:
Insert -> O(n)
Max - > O(1)
Search -> O(logn) //binary search

Binary Heap:
Insert -> O(logn)
Max - > O(1)
Search -> O(n)

Binary Tree

A binary tree is not a binary search tree. It can be sorted or unsorted as long as it is following this structure:
A binary tree can have at most 2 children.
Values can be repeated.

Height of Node: Number of edges on the longest path from node to a leaf (from its children)
Depth of Node: Number of edges to the root. (from the root)
Edges: Each arrow

The height of the tree is equal to the dept of its deepest node.
The height of a node is the number of edges on the longest path from node to a left

We do not count the first node as part of the height

Complete Binary Tree

The tree is perfectly balance, except for bottom level.
All levels are completely filled except possibly last level where the keys are filled from left to right.

The height h of a complete binary tree is {logn} <- floor
where n is the number of values in the tree.

Binary Heap

A binary heap should have each parent be larger/smaller or equal than the child depending if its Max/Min heap respectively.

Tree Representation

Class Node
      Object key
      Object data
      Node leftchild
      Node rightchild
      Node parent

Array Representation

Indices start at 1
Takes nodes in level order
There's no need to link
Every parent with index n will have its child being n*2 (left) or n*2+1 (right)

Sink and Swim

Swim (Shiftup, Bubbleup, IncreaseKey)
To go up the heap

Problem: If the key becomes larger than the parent
- Swap Child with parent
- Repeat until heap order is restored

PseudoCode for array implementation

function swim(A, k)
while (k > 1) and A[k/2].key < A[k].key
swap(A[k], A[k/2])
k = k/2

Sink (ShiftDown, BubbleDown, Heapify)
To go down the heap

Problem: If key is smaller than the one or both of its child

- Swap with the larger child
- Repeat until the order is restored

function sink(A, k)
while (2k <= n) //number of items in subheap
     j = 2k
     if (j<n and (A[j].key < A[j+1].key)) j++
     if not (A[k].key < A[j].key), break
     swap(A[k], A[j])
     k = j
  //change index

Extracting the largest value

When extracting the max/min for a max/min heap sort respectively, we must
1. Swap the last index with the first (The first is assumed the largest)
2. Remove the last index (pop)
3. Sort

Sorting a binary heap takes logn time

Insertion of a binary heap cost logn
-> Add node o(1), swim/sink o(logn)
-> Swim/sink is logn because its traversing not the whole tree

ExtractMax takes up to O(logn)
-> We need to sort (swim/sink) again

Building a binary heap cost n time
To put in -> n //theres n items
To sort -> N //still need to traverse
n+n => O(n)

Robert Floyd's creation:
- View the input array as binary tree
- Bottom up fixing of the tree to satisfy maxheap property
- Make use of recursion to go from bottom to up, viewing each 2 sub heap as wanting to merge together.

If we want to merge a root to two heaps, we combined them and we sink

Its N time because the sorting of the binary heap still has to iterate every element and checking its parents by taking childindex/2.

The iteration goes from the back of the binary heap to the front.

function buildHeap(A)
for i from A.length/2 to 1 //i is the counter for index

//its counting down

we realised that the divide by 2 ensures that we will only look at the elements that are not the last element.

There will never be any violation at the last height of the heap (one element heap) so we don't need to iterate the , but as the height increase, there is a more amount of work done because we need to check each child at the bottom if the rule is violated.
At level h, there are 2^(H-h) nodes so work down per level is ch2^(H-h), where H is total height


The computational complexity of sorting using a binary heap is O(nlogn), space is O(n)
function heapsort(A)
    n = length(A)
    sorted = new Array[n]
    binheap = buildHeap(A)
    for i = n-1 to 0 //iterate n times
    a = binheap.extractMax()  //log n times
     sorted[i] = a

But we can change the space to O(1)

- Take the largest element, swap with last index
- Move pointer down
- Ensure heap not violated without including sorted section
- Repeat 2
- Stop until reach first index

function heapsort(A)
n = A.length
 // create the binary heap
for i = n/2 to 1 //takes n time
        sink(A, k, n)// swap and sink
while (n > 1) //takes logn
    swap(A, 1, n);
     sink(A, 1, --n);  

Space complexity is O(1), Swap and sink takes O(nlogn)
-> Creation is O(n)
-> Swap and Sink O(nlogn)

HeapSort Compared to Quicksort

Heapsort is optimal for time and space but
- Inner loop is longer than quicksort
- Bad Caching (Children are far from parent)
- Not stable

Quicksort is still faster in practice because it does not do unnecessary swaps


The top is the minimum item.

- Negate all keys
- Change comparator
- Instead of sink we swim (Possible)

IntroSort (Additional Info)

- Run quicksort
- Cutoff to heapsort if stack depth exceeds 2logn
- Cutoff to insertion sort for n=16

This is nlogn


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