1. Whats the significance of this number? a) Its the upper bound 0x7FFFFFF The first digit is 7 because of negative number.
b) 0x7FFFFFF
d) We are using 2 complement. Why not 1's complement: Its easier but when we do integer addition and subtraction, the extra one step to add the number is very taxing.
e) Java (If it exceeds, it becomes negative)
a) Sign bit: 1 Expo: 11 bit Mantissa: 52 bit b) 1019 (Excess 1023) 1019 - 1023 = -4 // The representation us 0x3FB9999999999999A It is A due to the rounding off: 1001 1 => 1010
c) 0.1 because we will get closer and closer as we convert but we will never reach 0.1 This is very problematic if it is in number important jobs like bank transaction.