Watch the video of the dance choreography

1. Meaning
- The guy was looking in the mirror:

He was only looking at himself, being egoistic

- The girl pull,eye contact :
mesmerised with her, fell in love

- At the end, the guy fell and the girl pull him up only for him to walk away:
He left the girl in the end.

"The fragile nature of human relationship"

2. Music
I'm only Human

Im suppose to be egoistic
Its a men excuse.

- What does the music symbolised?
- What the costume means?
- What does the man and women trying to do?
- Why did the man not pull her up.
- Whats the mirror was for?
- What is the cultural influence

Outside questions:
- Did they choreograph this?
- How is the lighting done?
- Is this a competition?
- Is it guest performance?
- Who are they?
- How did the cantilevered movement worked?

Cultural influences
- Latin american dance outfit
(He stole it from my group)
Hes not showing the same kind of affection as his partner
Canterlevel movement:
The disparity between the man and women because the man allows himself to be lifted up by the women but he doesn't do the same.

(He talks about the dance)
Differences between the argentina tango compared to tango
Tango has basic steps but argentina is improv
Dance movements:
- Cross movement
- Parallel movement
- Slow slow quick quick slow (tango) but for argentina tango has more close interaction

Exploring the nature of human relationship
3 relationship
1. The man to himself
2. The crowd and the answer
3. The man and the women relationship
(She uses my groups idea becos same group)
The man is self conscious, trying to perfect his moves.
The relationship could be a love or friendship but from the dance movement, they showed the movement depicts a romantic relationship
The final scene shows how fragile human relationship could be.

The ending is mindblowing
The women pull the men up

gender inequality:
Why people feel so surprise when seeing the women pull the man up?
(Perception of women)

Creative ending:
How do you think about programming skill
When you build a web application, cannot follow the music (Just like the proff talk), we need to be creative, cannot follow orders