Singapore: A 700 year History - From early emporium to world city

- According to Sulalat (Sejarah Melayu), the last king Iskander Shar withdrew from Singapura when he was betrayed by on of his courtiers to invading Majapahit forces from java.

- Archaeological evidence recovered since 1984 shows that 14th century settlements on singapore was suddenly abandoned

- Raffles proff of history (K.G. Tregonning) state that modern singapore began in 1910 and nothing that occure on the island prior to tht has relevance to an understnading of the contemporary scene.

- The founder of Melaka may have abandoned singapura but did not forget it
     - According to sulalat,  bendahara, one of the great lords to the sultan was said to have come from singapore
     - Claim that the sulalat said that lakasamana was able to influence the people as they might have neen decendents of these people (Orang laut)
     - The Orang Laut are soldiers that will respond to the call of the sultan

Shahbandar of Johor Sultans

- Fled from melaka because of portugueues
- Tried to rally the Orang laut warriors to counter attack melaka
- His succesor sailed up to the johor river and establish a new instana at pasir raja.
- Archi evidences show ming and qing export wares shards along the river

- Shards found in kallang is on loan in national museum
- Ming empeoror transitional porcelains

- assassination of sultan Mahmud created a crisis on the succession to the throne
- Orang laut were tramatise by this and withdraw their support from the bendahara who took over as sultan

Contesting waters around singapore

- Europeans were attracted to singapore to trade
- Conflict due to the increase in contending party in two sectors of trade
-Rival port at sumatra
- Aceh conquered these ports between 1515 1520
- in early 17th century, voc had allied itself with the Johor sultanate to establish a presence in southeast asia. 
- protugal want singapore due to its strategic location of the passage between indian ocean and south china sea. Can use as port of commerce also
- Aceh unsettle due to the treaty between portugueues and Johor sultanate and it attack in 1613 
- Dutch lose alot and they revive their plans for a fort around singapore
- But it never materialised and there were reasons for failure
    - Portugeues blockades
    - Security is not guranteed and will discourage chinese traders
    - no money

Singapore Sleepy Fishing village?

- There was once a flourishing port settlement at the north bank of singapore river but is now a insignificant village of orang lauts

- Hamilton was offered a chance to establish a british colony on singapore but turn down the chance

There was an absence of rich record of singapore's historical experience thus many people say that singapore history began only in 19th century and anything before 1819 is of little significance for our understanding of singapore's present day context

The singapore river/Port in a global context

- Establish of singapore port in the european imperial maritime trading system emerge in the 19th century

- Raffles understood that the political future of the settlement was far from certain
- Signing of anglo dutch treaty resolve the trade rivalry in 1824

Origins of a global emporium along the singapore river
- The economic political and social life is developed on and along singapore river's bank
- The north bank of the river is set aside for government purpose and the south to be engineered to allow for construction of portage facilities
- The signicance of this river did not alter significantly till major urban renerwal schemes in 1970s and developments

The river's global trade
- The location and status as free port attracted vessesls from siam malaya burma and dutch east indies and china as well as india
- Singapore prime location made it a natural emporium for the region and the world beyond
- Assortment of merch were pass through the port 
- Reflected the chinese and western demand for the natural produce of the region
- The trade in these products form the traditional basis of china' s commercial links with southeast asia and created a monopoly for junk traders
- The scene along the river and in the outer harbour became an popular place for illustractions and accounts due to its intense activities

Sulalat (Sejarah Melayu)