Critical Reflection Assignment Prompt
Write a 600 to 700 -word reflection essay to answer the following prompt:
Drawing from your specific disciplinary context, from the ES1103 module content and your learning experience, reflect on how the ES1103 module may (or may not) benefit your (writing/reading) performance in your major disciplinary modules. Organize your text around a critical learning incident and provide concrete evidence from your disciplinary writing tasks to support your claims and refer to a range of course materials and the literature. |
-Write in an academic register and provide in-text and end-text APA referencing.
-Weave in abstract or theoretical content with more concrete experience.
Sources recommended:
You may refer to:
· The description of your disciplinary discourse (see folder on IVLE) and search for additional sources if you wish
· Your writing task in the ES1103 module and your disciplinary modules
· Module materials
Writing Process:
This is a two-draft task. Research your essay and prepare a first draft for Week 13_tutorial 1. You will be given the opportunity to revise the first draft in class.
Submission deadline: End of Week 13 Tutorial 2.
1. Identifies a critical learning incident where a concept/ idea/ strategy/ approach on the course has impacted the writer in the wider university context (in the student’s discipline or GM mods) |
2. Provides an evaluation of the extent to which ES1103 applies (or not) to writing in the student’s discipline (this should be organized around the specific critical incident). (To do this, you should provide an analysis of the type of writing required in your discipline referring to relevant sources.) |
3. Weaves abstract concepts (from disciplinary modules/ES1103) and precise personal evidence (from student writing and/or personal learning experiences) |
Writing the Reflection Task: Guidelines on formatting
1) How to cite:
· For websites and articles, use the APA system you have learned. You can check the OWL Purdue website for the accurate format.
· For ES1103 materials, use the first three words of the HO title (“Evaluating and Making”, 2018)
This will then look like this in the reference list:
Evaluating and Making Recommendations. (2018). ES1103 English for Academic Purposes [Class handout]. CELC, National University of Singapore.
· Your own writing: (Surname, year)
This will then look like this in the reference list:
Surname, I. (YEAR). Name of assignment. Name of Module. National University of Singapore.
2) How to insert screenshots in your reflection:
Topic sentence (claim) Development: Your development should explain how the item transfers or not, describe the assignment and explain the annotation to the reader (for example: the hedging expressions are highlighted in green). You must refer your reader to the figure: (see Fig. 1) Below the paragraph, paste the annotated sample.
Fig 1: Modules’ name- Assignment name (Student surname, YEAR) |
Due to the nature of my course, learning to write reports in an academic context is not useful. However, the module could have been useful in the past as modules such as geh mods geh1015) requires writing book reports and academic argumentative essays.
What, from the ES1103 EAP module, do you think can transfer to your discipline or other modules: refer to specific examples from this semester’s modules (using the course schedule to remind yourself of the content) and draw a list.
ES1103 content | Can be useful in my discipline modules/GEM modules |
Language choices seen as directly impacted by the context - Genre knowledge | The use of the thesaurus to paraphrase |
Reading and note-taking strategies | Learned new on top of what i know. - Search for keywords |
Paraphrasing and summarizing Writing syntheses | - To be able to cite using apa citation - synthesis multiple sources |
Avoiding plagiarism Using a citation system such as APA (in-text and end-text) | - thesaurus |
Analysing a prompt Brainstorming Outlining Gathering sources | I alr know how to use mindmap gather sources by looking at the credibility |
Writing cohesive texts: thesis and scope/hyperthemes/ thematic progression | nil |
Writing introductions | The framework for writing introductions |
Writing complex sentences and expressing clear logical meaning | Be able to linke multiple short sentences is alr taught in es1000 |
Reviewing a peer’s essay | Peer essay allows critical thinking. Learn from their mistake and improve ours. Taught in es1000 |
Writing process (multiple drafting and revisions) | nil |
Expressing dense meanings using complex noun groups-writing academically | nil |
Engaging with a body of literature and expressing stance through endorsing and distancing language (making the sources talk to each other). | nil |
Writing Reference lists manually and with Mendeley | Learn how to be able to reference properly |
Analysing disciplinary texts | nil |
Writing critical reflections | im doing it now |
Structure of essay
Critical Learning Incident:
- Introduction
- Writing intro
- Framework
- Citation
- Use of references
- Credibility
- Complex sentences
- Thesaurus
- Words such as however
- conclude